您现在的位置: Handan nange garments Co.,ltd > 商铺首页 |
Our company is founded in 1953,it’s covers 8600 square meters and contains six workshops, we have 700 staffs.We own CAD design system,comptuer sewing machine inporting hemmer tacking machine button attching machine etc over 400 different kinds of equipments.Meanwhile ours own a complete set of wash equipments which is used for sand wash Stone wash chemical wash etc.advanced wash artwork. Ours own the factory manufacture garment and professional garment eqipments.Technology and quality control adopt international standard.Our products have been selt in Europe,America ,Canada etc.40 countries.
手机版网址:http://m.vooec.com/c_joanna0219.html 主营业务:garments 经营模式:
生产型 成立年份:1953年 |
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